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It’s Friday!! AsĀ you may be aware: San Diego Comic Con has moved entirely online BUT you can still find First Second in the Online Exhibit Hall. You can search by individual booth number (First Second booth is 2800) or by publisher name to browse the booth and online promotions. In particular we’re excited to announce that First Second has a dedicated Dungeon Critters ARC sweepstakes!! You can enter to win a digital ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) of Dungeon Critters, giving you a chance to read it before anyone else!! Click here to enter!
Let’s talk more about the Dungeon Critters zines.
I’m actually surprised how much of the jokes on this page made it into this final book version. Fun fact about the zine versions is that you might’ve noticed that it looks very different from the first or third issue, and that’s because Natalie drew it and I colored it. When we started collaborating we tried to figure out how best to split up the writing/drawing jobs, since we’re both artists AND writers in our solo works. So back in 2016 we decided that for every issue we’d just swap off duties. Issue One: Nat did the cover, the writing, and the coloring while I did the art and lettering and then we swapped for Issue Two.
Unfortunately, while we think this issue is still pretty good, it doesn’t really play to either of our strengths in the long run. I’m just not as strong as a colorist as Nat, while my strengths are more towards lettering and extremely goofy faces. Going forward we knew that we definitely wanted a process closer to the first issue, but we also wanted a way for Nat get to draw too. We didn’t figure out the process for a while longer, but I’ll talk about that another time.
That’s it from me! I hope you all have a good weekend.